Do you know your way around the penis, otherwise known as “lingam” in Sanskrit?

And the penis is not quite as it seems, as you’ll see from figures 4.0 and 4.1! Self pleasure can be, and should be, a healing practice – I call it “orgasm therapy”.

I bet you didn’t know there’s such thing as lingam reflexology! These points on the lingam are connected to your organs through meridians and lines of energy, based on Chinese medicine philosophies. These meridians and organs store specific emotions and will surface as physical symptoms at specific times of the day.

For example, anxiety is stored in the bladder, the gallbladder is about frustration, and the liver is about anger. The gallbladder and liver work together in a yin/yang relationship. If we look at the diagram below, as well as the meridian clock further down, we can see that the gallbladder and liver fall under the wood element. In the meridian clock you will see all the associated physical issues, as well as the time of day that this organ is active and trying to process the associated emotions.

For example, the liver will wake you up between 1:00-3:00am if you have any unresolved anger and resentment. If you have an acupuncture treatment, the points along the gallbladder and liver channel will hurt, opposed to hardly feeling other needles. And now you can access your liver and gallbladder points on your penis!

Fire Element

Organs: Heart, Small Intestine, Triple Warmer, Circulation Sex

Emotions: discouraged, hurting, self-doubt, hate, love, hopeless, stubbornness, remorse


Metal Element

Organs: Lungs and Large Intestine

Emotions: grief, regret, letting go, false pride, openness


Earth Element

Organs: Spleen and Stomach

Emotions: guilt, shame, worry, anxiety, criticism


Wood Element

Organs: Liver and Gallbladder

Emotions: anger, resentment, frustration, impotence


Water Element

Organs: Kidney and Bladder

Emotions: anxiety, impatience, paranoia, reckless


Lingam Massage

A lingam massage strengthens the body and overall health, as emotional blockages can be released and shifted through the meridians and organs via specific massage of these points. There are various lingam massage techniques that you can find online or in books, which you can perform on yourself or get a partner involved in.

Healthy, masculine sexuality involves education, practice, growth, flourishing relationships, mind-blowing sexual encounters, and of course, healthy masturbation. The keyword here is HEALTHY. We call this conscious self-pleasure. It doesn’t include any form of pornography. It doesn’t mean every day. It certainly doesn’t mean three times a day. It doesn’t mean for two minutes in the shower, so your wife doesn’t know.

It doesn’t include any guilt or shame. It doesn’t include dick pics. It doesn’t include webcam. 

I give all my clients masturbation homework. Strict guidelines to follow for two weeks at a time, and my success rates for getting men off porn and awakening Kundalini are very high because of it. And of course, erections start to return. It’s in my online programs. It’s a very necessary part of the puzzle.

We then expand on those guidelines to include up to 90 days of self-pleasure, which results in teaching men to self pleasure and orgasm without ejaculation. This is a Taoist and Tantric practice of shifting energy away from the groin and up and around the body to achieve a full body non-ejaculatory orgasm, and multiple orgasms

My two-week self-pleasure exercises are designed to help you get off porn, engage in solo sexual practice, jump-start your organic sexual energy, help you understand your body and orgasm, and reignite a relationship with self. Porn disconnects a man’s body and genitals and heart. So, we’re about to reignite that connection!

Please note that it is common for men to feel apprehensive and anxious about this when attempting for the first time, and they can often feel like it’s a chore, or they don’t feel like doing it at all, or “it’s not working.” It can be confronting when realisations of impotence and inadequacy creep in. It’s important that you stay the course, and keep going with it regardless of erections, orgasms, or ejaculation. You have to remember that we are trying to re-train the brain and the body, and it’s not going to happen overnight. Your sexuality has taken a pummelling, leaving you with confusion and anxiety, which all needs to be ironed out and redirected. It takes time, and it takes practice.

The outcome and success of this ritual also depends on whether you’re doing this exercise as pre-work to a hands-on treatment with me, you’re doing it as an independent exercise, or you’re doing it as post-treatment homework. I say this because of the Kundalini awakening aspect being a massive kick-start to your success, which is done in an Integrated Massage Therapy™ treatment with me. Either way, it will change things for you.

The 2 Week Challenge

You can access the 2 Week Challenge here:

 You get a 35 page eBook containing amazing information on porn addiction and sexual health, arousal and the limbic system, breathwork and edging, as well as 2 weeks of specific instructions, techniques, schedules - AND a tracking sheet and email support for 2 weeks!

Catherine Lyell

Men’s Health & Porn Addiction Specialist


