Mental Health, Sexual Health, Healing Addiction and Mastering Sexual Energy
Mental Health, Sexual Health, Healing Addiction and Mastering Sexual Energy
Specialising in sexual health, porn addiction, mental health and sexual abuse, this is a place where you can find answers and solutions for every day issues, where the focus is on healing you naturally through alternative therapies. A safe and inviting place to discuss the "big stuff", where knowledge and skills empower men and allow you to connect to who you are and where you want to be. There is no judgement. Located in Melbourne, Australia, but treating men all over the world. Can you relate?
You’re 18 – 32 and you’re currently on anti-depressants, or have been in the past and you just know that something’s not right. You've suffered from depression and anxiety since you were 15. You thought you’d be more settled by now. You thought that by buying that car and living close to the night life that you had it all together. You drink to excess whenever you’re given the chance, but it’s a social thing right? Your mates are all getting married or buying houses and you’re still working your butt off in a job that just isn’t giving you the right satisfaction or paying you enough. You couldn't possibly try and get some help, because you've already been through the system for years, with no results of success, and that Psychologist you saw when you were 16 was enough to put you off for life. Your mates don't need help, so why should you? You hide your fears and frustrations from the world and you’re scared one day you’ll fall off the face of the earth…and would anyone notice?
You are the emasculated male, in the 35-50 year age group, and you’re in a marriage that is either very difficult, or very passive, but either way... it's sexless. You are working to pay the mortgage and father the children, but you seem to have no purpose other than that. Your dreams and goals, and passion for life have all but disappeared. You are suffering from undiagnosed depression, anxiety, and the stress from work is really intense. You're feeling empty, and have given up on ever having a sex life again with your wife...because she won’t touch you and the humiliation and rejection is just not worth the pain any more. The kids are getting older. You are starting to realise (and panic) that you are stuck in this situation with no way out. She has suggested counselling many times but you just don't see how it can help when there are so many issues to sort out. Isn't it just easier to go along with things and hope for the best?
You are the separated emasculated male, who has just come out of a long term relationship or marriage, and you were in that relationship probably 5 years too long. You are now left to pick up the pieces of your life and start again. You're trying to find your feet again, in your new rental, with very limited furniture and not enough love to fill that house. You’re seeing your kids every so often (instead of every day) and you’re throwing yourself into your work as much as possible...and drinking more than before. You're having serious moments of depression and anxiety and you don't even know where to start with seeking any kind of help about how you're feeling. You’re about to face a custody battle as well as financial settlement, and you're trying to prepare yourself for losing all the things you worked hard for. You’ve completely lost your purpose in life now that you are no longer needed by your wife and kids. You just don’t see the point, and the stress is just too much…isn't it?
Remember when smoking used to be cool, and sexy? When people used to smoke in offices and restaurants and cars? Before it killed a gazillion people?
Masterclass on porn addiction, brain damage, unhealthy ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, mental health, and how to supplement with Balance Oil and use Healy for optimum health and healing.
Kundalini Activation is the key to kicking porn addiction, the key to awakening your sexuality, and the key to correcting mental health issues. This beautiful process is an awakening of the divine energy coiled at the base of the spine, and the reaction it causes in the body is magnificent.
A new modality creeps into my practice after connecting with Andromedan energy a year ago... it's not tantra... it's a form of sacred geometry and energetic acupuncture. Realigning the body’s bioenergetic patterns, balancing meridians, connecting the body back into the “grid”.
Do you value sex highly in general, but make sacrifices for the sake of a relationship? Do you even know how important it is to you? Does your past dictate this rating for you? Do you question a new partner about how they rate sex for themselves?
Most people have some kind of pain in their bodies on a regular basis...which is crazy, because you don't have to go through life suffering. Are you involved in physical labour in your job and just tough through the pain? Or do you have old injuries that have never quite healed and play up all the time? Are you in constant pain from illness or disease? I am treating any kind of pain in the body, from injuries to illness, not just from a physical perspective, but on a deeper level as well (emotional, energetic, mental, cellular).
Are you struggling with the embarrassment or shame of a sexual health issue? Affection, love and sex are very important aspects of life, and of any relationship. But sexual activity can also be associated with risks and health problems. I can help you treat conditions from an alternative perspective, such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, post prostate-cancer removal, difficulty achieving orgasm, the inability to connect to a partner, reproductive issues, and issues associated with medications and illness. It's a tricky issue but I am very open minded and you'll be made to feel comfortable and safe.
Mental illness is not a life sentence. So many clients that walk in the door are on anti-depressants and when i've asked them why they're depressed, they always look at me funny and can't answer. Because no one has ever asked them. I've been told many times that "it's just a chemical imbalance" and I ask them if the doctor prescribed some counselling to go with those pills?....and the answer is always no. I am all about finding alternative methods for treating illness and mental conditions, which are more effective than taking a pill every day. One in five Australians will suffer from a mental illness in any given year. We have to get onto this growing problem with treatments, instead of masking the problem.
Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, sex, porn, masturbation... if you have an addiction of any kind, it will be ruining your life and the relationships you're trying to hold together around you. A specialist in porn and sex addiction, it directly affects your brain and mental health. We need to look at your triggers, the void you're trying to fill, the reasons why you're trying to escape, and the issues with self control and boundaries. The addiction is serving a purpose and you are getting a reward out of it. I'll look at all of that and help you find freedom.
There are all sorts of issues that stem from when a person suffers from trauma. It could be a specific event like a car accident, witnessing death or serious injuries, a natural disaster, or war...or from a long standing issue such as sexual, verbal or physical abuse. Some people will recover quite quickly with the help of family and friends, but for others, the effects can be long-lasting. People can suffer from depression, anxiety, and fear of leaving the house or entering into similar situations. This is what I am an expert in...releasing you from these fears and emotional after-effects of what you've been through.
Do you feel like you're living with your sister? But you still love her right, so there's no way you'd leave, especially because of the kids? You're finding excuses not to go home and you're wondering if it'll ever be the same as it once was. You may be missing the intimacy, she may have had a baby recently and has lost her mojo, or you're working ridiculous hours and under a lot of pressure financially...these are all good reasons to seek help. I can educate, heal and assist you with understanding why the relationship is falling apart and I can help you build it up again. Or, help you through a healthy, civil separation if that's what you need.
We all suffer from stress at some level, and those levels fluctuate depending on life circumstances. Is stress affecting your health? Are you drinking or smoking because of stress? Do you get headaches or pain in your body because you're working such long hours and the financial burden is too overwhelming? Did you know that stress causes inflammation in the body, as well as issues in the nervous system, body, diet/gut, immune system, cardiovascular issues, depression, and anxiety. I have many different tools and techniques of helping you release this stress and learn to be more present in your life, without the headaches!
Suffering from anxiety can be crippling, and a lot of people aren't even aware of what anxiety is or that they even suffer from it. Anxiety is like stress, we all experience it on a sliding scale depending on life circumstances. But if feeling anxious, nervous, fearful of certain situations and even having panic attacks is a regular occurrence in your life, you need to come and see me. I have so many ways to help you, and the effects are immediate.
Are your emotions always getting the better of you? Do you have a short fuse? Are your family always living in fear or treading on eggshells around you because they don't want to set you off? Do you yell and swear a lot? Does it escalate into abuse of your partner? Is family violence a word that makes you cringe? There are reasons why you react the way you do, and I know how to get to the bottom of that and help you on many levels. Wouldn't you rather live a peaceful life full of joy and fun with your kids?
Have you lost someone close to you? Was it even a while ago now and you're really having trouble letting go or moving on? Do you think you've actually allowed yourself to feel the grief or have to pushed on with life and lived by the theory that "time will heal"? Do you feel guilty about trying to process it and move on, in fear that you're being disloyal to that person? I can help you overcome the overwhelm and allow you to visit that grief in a safe and nurturing environment.
Male victims of family violence and abuse (like women) often face many barriers to disclosing their abuse. They can suffer from shame and embarrassment because of the social stigma of not being able to protect themselves, and therefore do not take any action or disclose the abuse. Society and protective services are less likely to ask whether a man is a victim of family violence, and male victims can be falsely arrested and removed from their homes because of the assumption that because they are male, they must be a perpetrator and not a victim. I can help you address all of the issues surrounding your circumstances at home, help you with the stress and anxiety of having to tread on eggshells all the time, and we can give you some tools to improve the situation.
Usually when people separate, the relationship was "bad" for a long time. And you stayed together for the kids or because you had too much to lose...or you just didn't want the stress in your life of separating. But it finally happened, and as if that wasn't bad enough, you now have to try and navigate your way through the minefield of having access to your kids, paying child support and going through financial settlement. It is truly one of the most overwhelming times in your life and emotionally and mentally you're just not sure you're going to make it through alive. There are so many ways I can help!
I am here to welcome men to the "Wellness Revolution"
I am here to welcome men to the "Wellness Revolution"
“Hi, my name is Catherine Lyell and I'm the owner of Integrated Men's Health. My purpose is to educate the world on how these types of treatments can quickly and easily transform men's lives. I want men to have a place to go, to heal and to celebrate who they are as men. I want to change the mental healthcare system, as it fails on so many counts. What I do is offering immediate results and saving lives. My legacy to the world is to heal men through touch and energetic medicine. Mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I'm here to open your eyes to something else, something new and something so unbelievably profound.
I provide an integrated service; where knowledge, treatments and skills are integrated, and the clients are assisted with tools and education to take back into their life and integrate with their loved ones. I am not just treating the men, we are saving families and relationships. I treat each client holistically; treating the person, not the symptoms. Treatment and education is delivered in a very masculine, yet nurturing way. I am shaping the future, paving the way for future generations by healing the fathers and sons. It's a mess out there. Imagine a place where men could have their person pampered and healed - without question or judgement. Lets get talking and get this "underground" issue out in the open…”